Brief introduction of Sir Thomas Hobbes quotes –

Sir Thomas Hobbes was born on 5 April 1588 in the city of Mamesbury, England and died on 4 December 1679 at the age of 91. At the time Sir Thomas Hobbes was born, there was an atmosphere of fear in England due to civil war. Thomas Hobbes’s life also passed in this environment, which is why he called fear his twin brother.

Sir Thomas Hobbes gave utmost importance to peace and security, whose philosophy was inspired by the notions of great scientists like Galileo, Kepler, Descartes and Gasendi. Thomas Hobbes is also called the father of modern philosophy, here are the wonderful quotes of Sir Thomas Hobbes which are useful for students and common people –

Thomas Hobbes quotes

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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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Thomas Hobbes Quotes law quotes
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