This article talks about Women Crime. Who is a Female Criminal in law and what are the causes of Woman crime and its prevention measures have been briefly discussed, if you are a lawyer, law student or preparing for judicial competitive examinations, Then it is important for you to know about Women Crime and her –
Introduction (Women Crime)
Women in India have had a very glorious past. They have been viewed with respect and honor in the society, but gradually with the changing environment, the status of women also changed. Women have started getting influenced by materialism and western culture, as a result of which the feminine dignity started diminishing and they started turning towards crimes. Although the number of female criminals is very less as compared to males, still it is sad that crimes have made their place in the world of women.
What is Women crime ?
Just as other crimes have not been defined, similarly no specific definition has been given for Women Crime. The situation of crimes against women is generally the same as that of crimes against men.
Therefore, it can be said in a simple sense that crimes committed by women are women’s crimes.
In simple language it can be said that, any violation of any criminal law by a woman intentionally or maliciously is a Women Crime.
If the age of a woman is less than 18 years then she comes under the category of juvenile or child and the crime committed by her is called juvenile delinquency or delinquency committed by a juvenile in conflict with law.
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Major causes of women crime
There are many reasons for crimes against women in the society, but in this article the main reasons for Women Crime have been given, which are as follows –
(i) Family environment –
Family environment is the first cause of Women Crimes. Women from families with polluted environment generally become criminal inclined. In a family where there are frequent fights or disputes, the women of that family start becoming violent. Evils like gambling, prostitution, drinking etc. in the family inspire women to take to crimes. Thus, it can be said that women also become like the family environment.
(ii) Poverty –
Just as poverty is responsible for crimes against children, it is also responsible for Women Crime. Women from poor families are forced to commit crimes like theft, smuggling, prostitution to fulfill their needs. In the last few years, crimes like theft and prostitution by women have increased. For this reason poverty or lack of money is called the mother of crimes.
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(iii) Lust or sexual arousal –
Women under the influence of lust or lust start getting inclined towards crimes like adultery or prostitution. Women from poor families generally turn towards prostitution, whereas women from elite families take the initiative towards adultery.
Such women commit crimes like abortion, infanticide and feticide to hide their illegal pregnancies. The freedom and luxury of girls in affluent families has led to a significant increase in Women Crime. Apart from this, husband’s impotence is also a reason for adultery and prostitution.
(iv) Neglect
Neglect of women in the family is also an important cause of crime. When women do not get a proper place in the family, their needs are not fulfilled or they are taunted or rebuked in every conversation, then women get frustrated and start committing crimes. Step-motherly treatment of women also strengthens the feeling of committing crimes.
In this regard, there is a good case of Payal Sharma vs. Superintendent, Nari Niketan, Kalindi Vihar, in which the neglected women do not become of promiscuous nature and they do not get inclined towards crimes, for this it has been said by the Allahabad High Court that “Women They are free to live with the person of their choice and have sexual intercourse without getting married. There is no restriction on this in the law.” The court said- There is a difference between law and morality. (A.I.R. 2001 Allahabad 254)
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(v) Dissolution of marriage
Dissolution of marriage is also considered to be one of the main reasons for Women Crime. Many times, after divorce, women suffer from poverty, lack of money, loneliness, inferiority complex etc. and commit crimes like attempting suicide. Not only this, many times women commit suicide along with their sons and daughters.
Case – M. Saraswati vs. State of Kerala (1957 Cr. Law 582)
In this case, a woman, fed up with her life, killed her three sons by throwing them into a well and herself tried to commit suicide. She was sentenced to life imprisonment by the trial court but the High Court took a lenient view because the woman was a victim of neglect by her husband.
(vi) Male – evil motivation
Now gradually the belief is becoming stronger that in most of the cases men take the help of women in committing crimes. Women are generally made mediums in theft, smuggling, illegal trade of opium and smack, drinking poison, adultery, prostitution etc. Men openly misuse women in such crimes due to which women become criminals.
(vii) Freedom
The influence of promiscuity and western culture can also be said to be a major reason for Women Crime. In today’s era, every woman wants to live in a free environment, they do not like the interference of men in their affairs. Due to family prosperity their life becomes a life of luxury. This is the reason that today many girls from elite families have started running away from their families and becoming victims of love marriages, which later become the cause of crime.
(viii) Pornography
Pornography, television, internet etc. are also responsible for Women Crime. Today the market is full of obscene and erotic literature. Obscene (nude) pictures and stories are published in them, after reading which girls and women start getting inclined towards crimes like adultery and prostitution. Literature has a direct impact on the mind and pornography quickly affects the mind.
Exactly the same is the situation of Doordarshan and Internet. Many channels of Doordarshan are taking initiative towards family disintegration and luxury. It would not be wrong to say that the techniques of committing crimes are learned from many television channels.
Internet is also not behind in this. Recently, a boy from a school in Delhi was caught making obscene pictures of girls on the internet. Later, a criminal case was also registered against him under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
(ix) Beauty contest
These days, women’s attraction towards beauty pageants has increased a lot. Through beauty contests, women are presented in a semi-nude state. Many times liquor etc. is used freely in such competitions. Therefore, these beauty contests can also be called a cause of crimes.
In this regard, there is a good case of Chandra Rajkumari vs. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad. In this case, the Andhra Pradesh High Court has said that – Beauty’s performance is not bad. Beauty is also worth showcasing. But if it is displayed in an objectionable manner then the same display becomes a punishable offence. (A.I.R 1998 Andhra Pradesh 302)
In this context, it is also noteworthy that these days the prevalence of night clubs, dance halls, bars etc. has increased in cities. In the name of entertainment, acts like prostitution and adultery take place in these clubs.
(x) consistency
Consistency is also a reason for Women Crimes. When women come in the company of people with criminal tendencies, they also become criminals. This usually happens in clubs, functions, groups, prisons etc. Here, decent women come into the company of criminal women or men and themselves become like them.
Thus, there are many other reasons for crimes against women. The decline of Indian culture is also one of them.
Measures to prevent crimes against women
The following measures can be taken to prevent Women Crime in the society –
(i) Family environment –
The family environment should be made pleasant. The family should be cultured, there should be a harmonious atmosphere in the family. The family should be kept away from tendencies like gambling, drinking, prostitution and family decorum should be kept intact. There should be no place for freedom in the family. Special attention should be given to the girls and they should be married at the right time.
(ii) To give up neglect –
Women should be given proper place in the family. They should not be ignored. They should not be given step-motherly treatment.
(iii) Economic condition –
The general needs of women should be fulfilled. The financial condition of the family should be kept strong. Women should not be allowed to feel deprived.
(iv) Publication of good literature –
Good literature should be given place in the family. The family should be kept away from obscene literature, obscene television channels and the internet.
(v) Arrangements for rehabilitation –
Arrangements should be made for rehabilitation of women criminals. They should be treated with sensitivity and they should be provided opportunities to improve.
(vi) Association –
Women should be protected from the association of men and women with criminal tendencies and women should be given religious, spiritual and moral education from time to time. Human values should be instilled in them and they should be kept away from sexual tendencies.
(vii) Dissolution of marriage –
Dissolution of marriage should be stopped and the family should be saved from disintegration.
(viii) Do not allow obscene dance halls, night clubs and beauty contests to attract women.
(ix) Women should be kept away from crowded houses and public places.
(x) There should be strict legal curbs on the tendency of men to misuse women in committing crimes.
(xi) Evil practices against women (Sati system, child marriage, dowry etc.) should be eradicated.
To prevent domestic violence against women, the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 has been passed. This Act has been held constitutional by the Madras High Court.
Under Article 15(3) of the Constitution, a special law can be made to protect the interests of women and children. (D. Paulraj vs Union of India AI R. 2009 NOC 2540 Chennai)
This Act provides protection to domestic women against all acts committed before and after the date of its coming into effect. (V.D. Bhanot vs. Savita Bhanot, AIR 2012 SC 965)
Apart from these, other meaningful measures can be taken to prevent Women Crime.