Hello friends, in this article we will learn about the nature of criminology and its scope which is an important part of criminology. What is the nature of Criminology and what subjects are included in the study of Criminology.

In this article, an attempt has been made to explain the nature of criminology and the field of criminology in easy language, hopefully, you will definitely like this article, so let us know that –

Nature of Criminology

There has been much difference of opinion among criminologists about the nature of criminology, which has been a matter of controversy. In criminology, crime is studied in the form of human behaviour and due to human behaviour being changeable and complex, it is only possible to study crime in a scientific way. Thus some criminologists define criminology as a science and some criminologists do not consider it as a science.

Types of Nature of Criminology

To understand the nature of criminology, it can be divided into two parts –

(A) criminology not as a ‘science’  (B) Criminology as a ‘science’

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(A) criminology not as a ‘science’

Michael and Adler are prominent among the scholars who do not consider criminology as a science, who present the following arguments in favor of their opinion –

(i) Independent Science –

According to Michael and Adler, criminology is not an independent science because it is based on sociology and psychology etc. and many scholars still do not consider them as science due to sociology and psychology not becoming empirical science. The question of considering criminology as a science does not arise.

(ii) Lack of scientific study –

One of the main reasons behind not considering criminology as a science is that it is not studied like a natural science. Since it is a social phenomenon which can be studied only in the society, not because of the experiments done in any laboratory like temperature, pressure and other physical factors.

By repeating the facts obtained from the laboratory under different circumstances, a universal conclusion can be obtained and which can be verified at any time. But crime, being based on human behavior, keeps on changing according to time and place, therefore it is impossible to study and verify it.

(iii) Universal principles –

As we know that the nature of crime, being based on human behaviour, it keeps on changing with time and place, due to which universal principles cannot be made in relation to crime because of universal principles. Verification of the findings obtained from the study is very important in construction. It is not possible to verify the conclusions obtained from the study of crimes, therefore, because of the scientific study of crimes, criminology is not a science.

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(iv) Reliability –

Truth is not reliable in subjects like Criminology, Sociology and Psychology whereas truth is reliable in natural science. According to many scholars, all the social sciences that study human behavior are still not in such a position that they can be given the status of ‘science’ like physical sciences.

According to Tappet – Criminology cannot be called a science because criminological knowledge is not yet completely clear about crime-prevention and crime-reformation.

(v) Lack of reliable data –

The way in which data is collected by the researcher in the laboratory after studying a fact and these data can still be verified. In the laboratory, data is obtained through scientific equipment, which does not affect the reliability of the data obtained, while crime is a social phenomenon, which can be studied only in society.

For this reason, due to lack of control system like laboratory in the study of criminology, the data obtained cannot be reliable.

(B) Criminology as a ‘Science’

nature of Criminology – Just as many scholars do not consider criminology as a science, similarly many scholars consider criminology as a science, which presents the following arguments in its favor –

(i) Independent science –

Wolfgang has considered criminology as an independent branch of knowledge in which theoretical idealism exists in the same way as in scientific method. It studies the crime, the criminal and the social reactions expressed towards it in such a directionless regulatory method, which can be called scientific.

Stibbard in his book ‘Elements of the Philosophy of Human Mind’ has said that scientific explanation of human behaviour is possible and such conclusions can also be drawn which do not have much harm in following them as correct. Is.

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(ii) Universal principle –

According to Sutherland, unnecessary emphasis has been laid on the universality of rules, the use of scientific instruments is increasing in the study of criminology. Scientifically we can find out such crimes which are stable and homogeneous and universal or universal principles can be made in relation to them. Because of which criminology can also be a science.

(iii) Scientific study –

Many scholars believe that there are no laboratories like pure science for the study of criminology, yet the theories can be verified by bringing equality in the circumstances of the society considering the whole society as a laboratory.

Sutherland and Creasy are of the opinion that just as the process of manufacturing medicine first starts with clarifying and defining a specific disease, similarly in criminology important clarification is not related to crime as a whole but to any class or type of crimes. is related and each class or each kind of definition is given as a universal element.

He says that the field of work of criminologist is not limited as far as the legislature has defined any conduct as a crime. Rather, criminologists are free to go beyond the legislative definition of crime and study even those non-criminal conducts that appear to be crimes.

(iv) Study of events –

According to Max Weber, sociology does not tell how people should behave. According to this point of view, science does not emerge from inducing any values ​​or beliefs, it only studies phenomena. He does not suggest solutions to the problems arising out of the events.

Similarly sociologist studies social phenomena but does not suggest orientation of beliefs. From this it is clear that criminology can also be a science if its aim is to study crime, criminals and prisoners etc.

From both the above points of view, it is clear that criminology is a science though it is far behind natural sciences like physics, chemistry, biology etc.

We can accept it as a self-sufficient branch of knowledge and as other social sciences (especially sociology, psychology and psychiatry etc.) develop, scientific maturity will increase in criminology as well.

Just as the study of medical science is dependent on physiology, psychology, physics, chemistry etc., similarly the study of criminology is dependent on other social sciences. (nature of Criminology)

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Scope of Criminology

Criminology is the study of crime and criminal behavior, including the causes and consequences of criminal activity. As a result of development and increase in civilization, culture and scientific knowledge, there was a change in the perception of the society about ‘crime’ and for this reason criminology was recognized as an independent branch of knowledge.

These may include crime trends and patterns, research on the criminal justice system and its institutions, and the effectiveness of various interventions and policies aimed at reducing crime.

Additionally, criminology may also include the study of the effects of crime on crime victims, offenders, and communities. The field of criminology is interdisciplinary, drawing on research and theories from sociology, psychology, law, political science, and other fields.

Criminology is a social science and like social science there is a difference of opinion among the scholars about its subject area. The subject area of ​​Criminology is very wide and it is a difficult task to tie it within limited limits.

So mainly we can include three main things in this –

(i) Study of causality of crime

(ii) Penal system

(iii) Criminal-reform and crime prevention.

Criminology, like other branches of knowledge, has also passed through such ages, in which much study has been done on the control of crime by imaginary methods of study, meditation, observation and research.

The more the attention of legislators, jurists and sociologists is getting attracted towards prevention of crime and treatment of criminals, the more the importance of criminology is increasing. In this form, the methodology of criminology can be termed as that scientific method, in which not only crime is studied but also the specialization of criminals and punishment is studied.

In this regard, scholars like Paul Tappan and Jerome Hall are also of the opinion that criminology is synonymous with sociology of criminology.

Robert G. Caldwell has included the following four things in the subject area of ​​Criminology –

(i) The nature and administration of criminal law and the circumstances of its development

(ii) analysis of the causes of crime and the personality of criminals

(iii) Reformation and rehabilitation of criminals

(iv) Crime Control

‘Sutherland and Creasy’ have divided the subject area of ​​Criminology mainly into three parts –

(i) Processes of Law Making

(ii) Processes of Law Breaking

(iii) Reacting towards the breaking of laws i.e. the study of jurisprudence.

The above three processes are a unified sequence of interactions. In every society there are some actions which are undesirable and which are considered as crime in political society and it (political society) expresses its reaction which is expressed through punishment, treatment or deterrence.

Therefore, according to the opinion of both the above scholars, “this sequence of mutual interaction is the subject matter of criminology.”

Eliot has included four main things in the subject area of ​​criminology –

(i) the nature of the offence

(ii) reasons relating to criminal behavior

(iii) Analytical study of the personality of criminals

(iv) Treatment and punishment of criminals.

In this way, under the field of criminology, the study of the criminal side of human behaviour, the interpretation of criminal law and the system of punishment for effective enforcement of the law are included.

Jeffrey has emphasized on the study of three problems in the field of criminology –

(i) the search for persons in violation of the law

(ii) the supervision and reformation of criminals

(iii) Scientific explanation of criminal behavior and legal indictment.

Radzinwich has divided the field of criminology into three heads –

(i) on account of offences

(ii) criminal policy

(iii) Criminal Law.

Criminal law should not be included in the above discussion because criminal law is a separate subject in itself, including it in criminology would mean limitless expansion of criminology which is unfair. Today the fact is that the criminologist is busy in providing scientific basis to criminology by scientific analysis of reality.

Rackles has included the major central study interests of criminology in the subject area of ​​criminology –

(i) To keep account of violations of law, to compile the number of arrests and to identify criminals

(ii) To make a comparative study of criminal laws in different countries according to their socio-economic system.

(iii) Analyzing the personal, social and economic factors of child and adult criminals so that sociological study material can be available for their scientific study.

(iv) Propounding, testing and revising those principles and hypotheses which are helpful in presenting the explanation of the incidents of crime and juvenile delinquency

(v) To explain those elements of delinquent behavior which are scientifically declared as delinquents.

(vi) To do personal and social study of those criminals who commit crimes for the first time as a result of their mental disorders but are not criminals by nature.

(vii) To study those problems of behavioral deviations and to find out the methods of their control, which give rise to anti-social acts, such as prostitution, suicide, drug addiction, etc.

(viii) To study and discover those scientific methods for the implementation of criminal laws, which can solve the problem of crime.

(ix) To study and evaluate the significance and effectiveness of those major methods of reformation and rehabilitation of criminals which are being used today.

(x) To evaluate and modify the operation system of child and adult crime prevention programs.

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Current Scope of Criminology

At present, it is also being considered whether the study of technical processes like Dactyloscopy i.e. study of sign language, photography and toxicology i.e. toxicology should also be included in the field of study of criminology.

Similarly, blood tests, lie detector, sleep analysis (Narco-analysis). With the help of truth-telling drugs, hyponosis, police and criminal courts also try to obtain evidence related to the crime committed by a person or persons.

A new nomenclature has been given to the study of these technical processes, known as ‘criminalistics’. In universities of some countries of the world, such as Austria, Belgium, France, Italy and California, this ‘subject’ has been included in the study of ‘criminology’. Whereas in Great Britain and West Germany, the study of this subject has been limited to police-colleges only.

In India, this subject is studied with Criminology only in those institutions where Forensic Science is studied, otherwise in universities, the study of the subject ‘Criminalistics’ with ‘Criminology’ included in the curriculum of Sociology, Social Work and Law It is not done. nature of criminology

Conclusion (nature of criminology)

The purpose of the study of criminology is to analyze various aspects of crime and to investigate such methods of treatment of criminals, so that criminals can be able to lead a good life within the society.

There is no doubt that the main subject matter of criminology is crime and criminal and under it all such institutions are included which are working to control both of them.

Like- Police, Court, Prison, Correctional Home, Probation, Parole etc. are particularly noteworthy. | nature of criminology

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Reference :- Criminology And Penology (Dr. Y.S. Sharma)